Emily's Website

My Future

High School

My High School choices were either Millikan or Wilson. I chose Wilson as one of my choices because I’ve seen that it is a really good school and I want the best for my future. The elective that I chose for Wilson High School was med/Bio which is basically about medicine, health care, and laboratory diagnostics. The reason that I chose Millikan was because it is also a great school. The elective that I chose for Millikan was quest.

 School Hallway


The college that I would want to go to is Long Beach City College. I want to graduate with my doctoral degree so then I can really be prepared for my career. I also have Cal State Long Beach University in mind and I would also want to graduate with a doctoral degree from there as well, if I go there.

College Campus

Career Interests

I am interested in being a doctor or something in the medical field. I have always been interested in things like this. I remember when the show Untold Stories of the ER would come on TLC I’d be so excited to watch it and if I were to be busy while it was on, I would record it. It just interests me a lot. Also I have been really good in science and health, they are mostly the easiest classes for me.

doctor handling medicine


My goal in life is to get to graduate high school with honors and get into the college/University I want to get into. Also I want to be able to push myself into working hard and not to give up because I know that what I’m aiming for isn’t easy. Another one of my goals is to travel, ever since I went to Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park I realized that I liked to travel.